Getting Rid of Bias in Public Schools

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learning outcomes
  • Learners will explore a range of pre-existing beliefs and the ways they can lead to unjust perspectives on those most crucial to public schools. 
  • They will also learn how past experiences can influence how we treat students, colleagues and administrators.

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What's included?

Interactive, team-building professional development training exclusively for public schools.

Expert Insight

Years of experience in communications strategy distilled into on-demand courses.

Video Lessons

Virtual modules featuring multimedia curriculum.


Test your knowledge on the most important keys to successful communications.

Course Certificates

Earn certificates for every professional development training course you take.

Created by

Brian J. Stephens

CEO Caissa Public Strategy, Nation's Leading Student Recruitment Expert at CaissaK12
Brian J. Stephens has more than 25 years of experience as a business and leadership development strategist, crisis manager, and attorney. Brian has taught in both college psychology departments and law schools. He holds a Juris Doctor and undergraduate degrees in Industrial Psychology and Business Management.